Reflections: 2023
Lessons Learnt in the Year that is Behind us.
It is the last day of this blessed year and it is only natural to want to reflect on the year that is about to leave us for good, either into a journal or into a blog or to take stock in your mind. How else can you learn from the experiences made and take the wisdom forward? For the mindful and those who reflect every single night before they hit the sack, this may not be needed but for most of us who fail to get a hold on things and just go through the motions, trying to be fair by everybody, getting bruised in the bargain, this is important. Musings (while unlearning?) being the only hope to leave the baggage that did not serve us and move into the new year with hope, fresh energy and a never say die spirit.
After a trying 2021 and 2022, this year began as a welcome change for me. Everyone left home for a good three months and it felt like a drop of water to parched lips in an unforgiving desert. I love my family but I realise that I might have had a breakdown, if this change did not take place. The Universe knew. My God knew. Three months saw me work on my physical, mental and emotional body with the help of my spirituality. I knocked down 7kgs of the 15 gained, effortlessly, just because of no stress. All my numbers on the medical chart came down miraculously. So many months later, the stress is back in more ways than one and so is the weight.
Lesson 1: It may not be possible to live a life in isolation and it is unfair to attribute stress triggers onto people, no matter how true it may seem. The fact is that, I get a choice to decide how to respond. I need to empower myself. I need to say No without explanation (a big challenge for most of us because we want a clear chit- the good girl/good boy syndrome). I do not need to have the last word to prove a point even if I am in the right. I just need to walk away from the drama, centre myself and do what needs to be done without emotion. Then, I can make time for myself and nurture my soul. The lesson is to Empower Myself and not play the blame game.
I achieved a few milestones, progressed albeit snail paced in various walks of life, fell back like the proverbial frog in the well many a time but in the whole 12 months that passed and rather quickly, the things that stand out in my mind are the times I was connected with Nature; be it a walk by the sea or the occasional quiet nights on the lawn. Also, the sense of achievement I got when I stepped outside my comfort zone. I launched my website this year!! I just realised I forgot to advertise it here!!! Well, it is
And that was not the only thing, I got myself my first ever and Never-once- did-I-think-I-would tattoo! No, that is not what I got inked but I have never been a champion for taking physical pain and definitely, not by choice. In trying to talk my daughter out of it, she talked me into it!
Lesson 2: Stepping out of your comfort zone does mean being uncomfortable. It does mean wanting to crawl back in and hide. Once the milestone is achieved, however, the satisfaction is immeasurable. Our soul purpose lies in our North Node. To align with our NN is difficult because we are born with gifts and the comfort zone of the South Node. To rewire our minds and realign to our destiny may seem daunting but once we begin, it is truly exhilarating. Let me not paint a rosy picture! I launched the website. Providing tarot services, writing, serving the community are all things I am comfortable and enthusiastic about but the practical aspects of it especially dealing with finances and taxes makes me that kid, trembling in front of my father with the math lesson being taught and it flying right over my head. Needless to say, I have been just fixing things and learning how to do them or find someone who could do it for me. It has been quite a learning experience. I still cannot sit back and relax, though. If I am having a light moment and any message regarding GST or bank related stuff pops up, my smile is wiped off and stays gone for a while.
Lesson in a lesson: This is definitely true for a large population of women, especially in India who are happily married. They do have no clue about finances as long as they are living a comfortable life and are being provided for. I am guilty and I was working when I got married but it is so much easier if someone just took care of it and did not throw numbers at me! This mindset towards finances must change and I am learning that, in a not so happy manner!
Lesson 3: I have been trying to learn this lesson for a while and I am pretty sure, so have you and it is encouraging to see that the success rates have been increasing. Respecting Obstacles and Letting go of the need to control outcomes. A tough lesson but a liberating and calming one! I know that when I have mastered these, my stress levels will be insignificant!
Lesson 4: Gratitude! This is the most beautiful feeling to cultivate. So Blessed and fortunate are we!
On that note, my dear readers, let me take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you that stop by to view and more importantly, read. It means a whole lot to me. I would love it, if you would interact and reach out more because that would give me a fresh perspective on things. Apart from a few, very few unknown readers who reach out and for whom I send a heartfelt thank you, I usually get sus sites reaching out to me or bots so I hope I do leave them behind in 2023 and take the rest of you with me! To my returning readers, those who know me personally as well, a huge shout out to you and gratitude from the inner core of my heart! See you in the New Year!